The CES - IIT Jammu aims at providing education of the highest quality Life Skills in various domains.
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Last date for registration: Feb 6, 2025
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Workshop on Modern Pedagogical Techniques Emphasizing on Student-Centric Learning in Engineering and Sciences Education
Dates: February 24–25, 2025
Organized by: Centre for Essential Skills, IIT Jammu
Funded by: ANRF(SERB)-INAE
IIT Jammu is hosting a workshop on “Modern Pedagogical Techniques Emphasizing Student-Centric Learning in Engineering and Sciences Education”.
Program Outline: The sessions of the program will focus on a diverse range of topics aimed at enhancing teaching and learning practices. These include learner’s development and educational psychology, emphasizing understanding student growth and cognitive processes. Discussions on inclusive education will promote strategies for accommodating diverse learners. Assessment strategies and curriculum planning will guide participants in designing effective evaluation and learning frameworks. Leadership in engineering and sciences pedagogy will be explored to foster innovation in teaching STEM subjects. Additionally, sessions will highlight the use of technology in classroom teaching to enhance interactive learning experiences. Finally, the program will delve into teacher-student engagement techniques to build meaningful academic relationships.
Who Can Attend: Faculty members and Ph.D. scholars in their fourth year or beyond, with an engineering and/or sciences background, The program is open for candidates from the region of Jammu & Kashmir and/or Ladakh
Special consideration to women candidates and candidates from SC/ST/OBC
Other Important information: Accommodation at IIT Jammu Hostels will be available on need basis. Limited Travel support, provided the participant must use public transportation and submit original bills (Travel Allowance reimbursement is upto Rs 2000) In all cases of air travel, air tickets shall be purchased only from the three Authorized Travel Agents (ATAs), namely: M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company Limited (BLCL), M/s Ashok Travels & Tours (ATT), Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. (IRCTC).
Bringing College/Institute/University ID is mandatory
News and Updates
Capacity Building Program
Certification Course on Financial Literacy
Interaction session on Entrepreneurship
Seminar on Latest Trends in Computer Technology
Sharad Saraf Centre for Ayurved and Indic Studies (SSCAIS)
Current Courses
*Currently these courses are offered in collaboration with Institutes. Please enrol only when instructions are provided by your institute.
Skill Development Program under Avsar Scheme
for the students of J&K
*Please note: This program is for the students of J&K who have registered for the “Avsar Scheme: Skill Development Program” through the registration forms shared by District Administration of various districts of Jammu & Kashmir.
Capacity Building Programs under Directorate of Skill Development for ITI's and Polytechnic
*Please note: These programs are for faculties & staff of ITI’s and Polytechnics. Kindly enrol only when instructions are provided.
Minor Area Certification Programs
(Capacity building training by CES,IIT Jammu)
No doubt, it was a wonderful and effective capacity building programme for the faculty of skill development department. All speakers put their best and i am really impressed by the thy deliver their lectures and engaged the class during these 3 days. Very well managed, food and tea was fantastic. Overall a very good experience at IIT Jammu. Keep it up 👍
The Capacity building program was very good, informative, giving the exposure about various psychological and educational tools for identification, intervention and implementation. The faculty were very equipped and has good command and grasp on the course content. By the end of the workshop, teachers were able to evaluate teaching strategies that empower them with skills and expertise to manage a diverse group of students effectively in their class. Besides this all the arrangements were well managed.
The training was very effective and we learned a lot. All the speakers were exceptional and made this learning experience very enjoyable.
A useful training programme that aids in the transition from active to interactive teaching
It was really a wonderful training both personally and professionally.
It was really amazing experience shared by the faculty to refresh my knowledge and latest technical know how. I will be benefitted from the training program to enhance my capacity.
Valuable, fruitful and effective.